Undisruptable is the first in a series of books by Aidan McCullen

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Undisruptable by Aidan McCullen
In a world of incessant change, we are all threatened by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity―at the individual and organizational levels. Undisruptable will give you a new lens through which to consider change as an opportunity rather than an obstacle.
- See Change as an Opportunity, not a Threat
- Understand Universal Principles of Change
- Understand the Speed of Change
- A Mental Model to Manage Change
- To Change Business Models, You First Change Mental Models
A masterpiece! Aidan McCullen’s been through the gristmill of change, and come through with great wisdom and guidance for all of us. This is a book to treasure and reread.
Barbara Oakley, Chair of Coursera, Author of A Mind for Numbers and Learning How to Learn