Hidden Imprints: Sony’s Samskaras = Apple’s Advantage

“Our eyes are not viewers; they’re also projectors that are running a second story over the picture that we see in front of us all the time.” — Jim Carrey Jim Carrey’s words offer a powerful analogy for the concept of “samskaras.” Rooted in Hindu and Buddhist philosophies, samskaras are the mental impressions, memories, or psychological imprints that

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The Power of Progress:Enhancing Motivation in the Workplace and Beyond

“Consistent daily progress by individual employees fuels both the success of the organisation and the quality of those employees’ inner work lives.” — Teresa Amabile A Primal Pursuit Dopaminergic Drinking Stanford neuroscientist Andrew Huberman offers a compelling insight into the pursuit of progress. Picture an animal wandering across a sparse landscape, she detects the subtle scent of water. With

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Getting Out of The Building: Dragonflies, Dummies & Proctoids

“Given such strong defences against change, fresh ideas come from those who do more than think outside the box. They think outside the building.”― Rosabeth Moss Kanter Rosabeth Moss Kanter challenges organisations to go beyond conventional thinking, suggesting that real innovation comes from those who “think outside the building.” This metaphorical leap is essential for escaping

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Epigenetic Echoes: History and Genetics Influence Organisations

“Epigenetics can allow environmental effects to be lifelong, or even multigenerational.” — Robert Sapolsky “The individual nature of a single cell can be compared to that of a manuscript. Each cell inherits the same first draft. Over time, words are scratched out and others are added; genes are silenced or activated. Different qualities or phrases are emphasized, and

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Counterclockwise Corporations

“Don’t stop playing just because you’ve grown old, or you’ll grow old because you’ve stopped your play…. You’re never too old to be young…. When they tell you to act your age, they’re obviously lacking in expertise. Can’t they see it doesn’t matter unless you’re a bottle of wine or you’re a piece of cheese?

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Hold, Hold, Plan, Plan, Too Late: The High Cost of Hesitation

BraveHeart “Companies whose investment processes demand quantification of market sizes and financial returns before they can enter a market get paralysed or make serious mistakes when faced with disruptive technologies. They demand market data when none exists and make judgments based on financial projections when neither revenues nor costs can be known. Using planning and

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Burning Down The Building (Platform) Next Door

“Emotionally, it’s easier to change when you’re haemorrhaging.” — Andy Grove Conventional wisdom suggests that to effectively motivate people for digital transformation, a leader needs a burning platform — a narrative of how an external threat is going to disrupt your organisation, such that you must either change quickly or go up in flames. “We had a series of misses. We

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