The Homeostatic Organisation/ Organism

“No structure, even an artificial one, enjoys the process of entropy. It is the ultimate fate of everything, and everything resists it.’ – Philip K. Dick Homeostasis refers to the maintenance of relatively constant internal conditions in an organism. For example, we maintain an average body temperature of about 98.6°F (37°C). In a cold environment, we shiver […]

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Confined to the Cocoon: More Ways To Skin A Caterpillar (Cake) “Allowing an existing structure to remain in place for too long creates inertia and results in an organization that is maladapted to the opportunities it finds.”  ― Rita Gunther McGrath You are forgiven if you missed the battle of the caterpillars that unfurled during the Covid-19 pandemic. In April 2021, UK-based premium retailer Marks &

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Gilding The Reflections of Others: The Venetian Mirror Effect

“The soul becomes dyed with the colour of its thoughts.”  ― Marcus Aurelius Venetian mirrors once captivated the world with their exquisite craftsmanship and unique glow. For centuries, Venice, and the nearby island of Murano, stood as the preeminent centres of glass production. While Venetian artisans perfected the art of creating clear plate glass, the unique

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