Scaling the S-Curve: The Tricky Takeoff

“The beginning seems to be more than half of the whole.” — Aristotle, ‘The Nicomachean Ethics’ Aristotle’s quote suggests that the initial stages of any task are crucial because they set the tone, direction, and foundation for the entire endeavour. It highlights that a good start is disproportionately significant because it shapes the trajectory. This phenomenon applies

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“There are scientific ways to address a new idea or project. If you take the conservative scientific route, you study the problem in your head or on paper until you are sure there is no chance of failure. However, you have taken so long that the competition has already beaten you to market. The entrepreneurial

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Misreading the Signals: Bullwhips, Dead Cats and Sucker Rallies

“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge.” — Stephen Hawking. TLDR: The “bullwhip effect” and the “dead cat bounce” are supply chain management and finance concepts, respectively. They both show how misreading signals and making quick judgments can lead to costly errors. These concepts remind us of the importance of correct

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Organisational Markov Blankets: The Silo Dilemma

Tom Fisk on Pexels “Good fences make good neighbours.” — Robert Frost, ‘Mending Wall’, 1914 I’ve been travelling extensively recently, delivering workshops and keynote speeches. Flights offer a unique opportunity to read with minimal digital distractions. During my descent into Frankfurt on a recent flight, I was captivated by the rich network of agricultural boundaries sprawled out below. Coincidentally,

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Old Tools: Tethered to Tools of the Past: The Humpty Dumpty Conundrum

Source Unknown “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them” — Albert Einstein “Do not repeat the tactics which have gained you one victory, but let your methods be regulated by the infinite variety of circumstances.” — Sun Tzu “The righter we do the wrong thing, the wronger we become. When we make a

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The Perils of Target Fixation

[TLDR: Adaptability in the face of change is paramount for leaders seeking long-term success. Yet, a cognitive bias known as “target fixation” can inadvertently obstruct the ability of business leaders to spot crucial signals of necessary—even lifesaving—change in the business environment.] “The world has outpaced us. In the time it took us to move a

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The Perils of Target Fixation — The Innovation Show

The Perils of Target Fixation Top Gun [TLDR: Adaptability in the face of change is paramount for leaders seeking long-term success. Yet, a cognitive bias known as “target fixation” can inadvertently obstruct the ability of business leaders to spot crucial signals of necessary-even lifesaving-change in the business environment.] “The world has outpaced us. In the time

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